How to Find Us

ETH Zurich
Inst. for Chemical and Bioengineering
Arosio Group
HCI F129- F131
Vladimir-Prelog-Weg 1
8093 Zürich, Switzerland
Located at the HCI building on campus Hönggerberg (see map).
Office and laboratory are located on the ground floor of the first finger.
Prof. Dr. Paolo Arosio
Associate Professor at the Department of Chemistry and Applied BiosciencesHead of Inst. Chemical and Bioengineering
Professur Bioingenieurwissenschaft
Vladimir-Prelog-Weg 1-5/10
Travelling by car
Follow the instructions to ETH Hönggerberg. The guest parking is located in the HIL building at the end of external page Albert-Einstein-Strasse, 8093 external page Zurich. Please, follow signs for "HCI Parking".
Travelling by public transport
From Zurich Airport (by rail)
- Take the S-Bahn Line 2 (towards Ziegelbrücke) or Line 16 (towards Meilen) until Oerlikon station
- From Oerlikon station (nord, after passing platform 8) take bus no. 80 (towards Triemlispital) until the “ETH Hönggerberg” stop
- Journey time: approx. 20 minutes
From Zurich Main Station (by bus)
- Take tram no. 11 (direction Messe/Hallenstadion) as far as the ''Bucheggplatz'' stop
- From Bucheggplatz take bus no. 69 (towards ETH Hönggerberg) as far as the “ETH Hönggerberg” stop
- Journey time: approx. 25 minutes