Microfluidic technology

In parallel with traditional biophysical methods, we are keen on exploiting and developing new tools based on microfluidic technology. In addition to all the benefits inherent to miniaturization, the manipulation of matter at the micron scale allows to perform operations that are not achievable at the bulk scale, resulting in a series of attractive advantages in the field of biotechnology and biomedicine.
Key publications
Diffusion sizing
We apply a microfluidic diffusion platform to analyze the sizes and interactions of bioanalytes in solution based on the well-controlled diffusion of species in laminar flow in micron-sized channels. The size distribution and the rheological properties of solution of biomolecules and biocolloids are key quality attributes in a variety of industrial sectors, including pharmaceutical, food, and cosmetic products. Specific applications include the characterization of protein aggregates in biopharmaceutical products and of extracellular vesicles.
Droplet microfluidics
Droplet microfluidics allows to rapidly mix different reagents in microcompartments, leading to the accurate quantification of events occurring on time scales of seconds. We apply this technology to monitor aggregation and phase separation of proteins and macromolecules.

Cellular chemotaxis
We established a microfluidic assay and protocol to investigate the chemotaxis of mouse and human neutrophils in the context of neutrophils-mediated allergic reactions and several major skin disorders. This project is performed in close collaboration with the group of Prof. Onur Boyman (Immunology Research Laboratory) at the University of Zurich.
Key publication