Dr. Francesca Torrini

Francesca Torrini


Francesca Torrini
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ETH Zurich
Vladimir-Prelog-Weg 1-5/10
HCI F127
8093 Zurich


Francesca Torrini (FT) was born in Florence (Italy). She earned her Master’s degree in Chemistry from Florence University (2018). In February 2022, FT defended her PhD with a dissertation entitled ‘Neurotransmitters-derived biopolymers for future diagnostics and bioanalysis” under the supervision of Prof. Maria Minunni and Prof. Simona Scarano (Biosensor Lab). During her PhD journey, she worked in the field of optical sensing (Surface Plasmon Resonance) and bioanalytical chemistry, mainly on the development of diagnostic approaches embedding catecholamines-based molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) for the recognition and detection of clinically relevant biomarkers. Afterward, FT spent one year (2021-2022) in the same lab as principal investigator of a project funded by ‘Fondazione Roche for Independent Research’ 2020 assessing the potential use of nano- MIPs for autoimmune diseases treatment. In November 2022, FT joined the Prof. Arosio’s group as a postdoc.

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